Spike Kitten Poker

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Saved by Natalie Crippa. Spike Buffy Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vampire Bites Buffy Summers Sci Fi Shows I Ship It Some People Say Joss Whedon You Are Awesome. Played by James Marsters, Spike went from a wannabe big bad to a big-time love interest and co-star in his own right. Put down the kitten poker and savor a bite of 44 bloody cool facts about Spike. In Remembarance of Poker Kitten. Message Board Rules, Tips and Troubleshooting. General Chat and Off Topic Stuff! Spike. Posts: 15,643. He slowly turned his head and took a cautious look at the gray fur ball, then pinned Spike and Clem, who both looked guilty, with incredulous eyes. “A kitten?” he accused. “What are you doing with a kitten?” “Nothing.” “Poker.” Spike rolled his eyes when Clem caved and told the truth. “Poker?” Xander questioned.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Buffy or the franchise. I just mess with the other rabid fans' heads with my stories.

Warning!!: MaleXMale pairing, swearing in American English and in British English. And, no, they aren't the same. Do you ever hear Americans use 'bloody hell!' Wait, some of us do but it's still different! LOL!

A/N: This story takes place during the sixth season but the whole Buffy/Spike thing NEVER happened. In fact, she came back without remembering Heaven at all. Just...go with it. Also, Xander has been assigned Spike babysitting due to the fact that Spike's back in the Scooby group.

Xander sat down next to Spike as he quietly scanned the poker room curiously. Xander snickered quietly when after a few rounds Spike still wasn't doing so hot. Suddenly, Xander felt his little lightbulb go off. Yes, Alexander Harris has a lightbulb that he is incredibly proud of because it is no longer a clapper. He leaned his head on Spike's shoulder and sighed, ignoring Spike's slight wince from Xander touching his shoulder. 'You aren't gonna win with that,' he said just loud enough for the other demons to hear him.

Spike glared at him and shrugged him off as he held his cards to his chest defiantly. 'What the bloody hell would you know about this?' he said angrily. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed the other four demons go all in. He smirked slightly at Xander before pretending to sulk as he slouched down in his chair.

Spike watched as everyone revealed their hands before he set his royal flush down, kicking all their asses with one hand.

Spike Kitten Poker Play

Spike collected his winnings and led Xander out of the bar as the other demons began to stand up so they could physically beat him. As he passed random children while walking towards Xander's apartment, he handed one to each of them. 'How'd you know?' he asked curiousity finally winning him over.

Spike Kitten Poker Games

'I saw it on a movie once,' Xander said with a shrug.

'Really? Well, here's your cut, luv,' he said as he handed Xander a dark brown kitten. Spike winked at him before leaving the astonished brunette standing outside his apartment building not knowing how he had even gotten there.

Over the course of the next week, Xander found himself taking the long way to work through the graveyard where Spike's crypt happened to be located. He kept telling himself that it was for the good of the gang that all of Spike's actions were documented but Xander knew better. Only problem was he didn't know what it was that he knew.

Xander sighed as he walked up to the crypt door for the sixth time that week. 'Oi, Spike!' the brunette yelled out as annoyingly as he could as he made an entrance.

'Go away!' Spike hollared from his bedroom down the ladder.

'But, I brought blood!' Xander said, pouting. With a sigh, the human set down the blood on top of a brown recliner.

'Just leave it on the chair!'

Xander chuckled at the blond's antics. 'Don't you wanna come taste test it? Just to be sure I didn't poison it?' he taunted.

'I don't want to!' Spike whined. 'Just go away!'

Pouting even more, Xander finally did as he was asked and went to work. Spike sighed as he slowly slipped upstairs. Xander had gone all out and gotten O negative, the kind Spike enjoyed more than any other. That boy was gonna be the death of him. Well, the undeath of him. Before Spike could stop himself, he leaned down and inhaled the brown jacket the human had left next to the blood. Xander had a unique scent and for some reason, that's all Spike craved lately. Pausing in his actions, Spike growled and threw the jacket across the crypt. 'Bloody hell, Harris. What've you done to me?'

Spike Kitten Poker Videos

A movement in the corner of his crypt caught his eye. Going all bumpy faced, Spike dove at the creature. Spike sighed as he slipped out of his game face when he picked up the brown kitten that he had given Xander because he had run out of kids. 'What the hell?' he muttered. On the kitten's neck hung a dark red collar with a tag. 'William?' Spike beamed at the kitten.

Spike kitten poker videos

A few hours later, Spike and William were cuddled in front of the beloved Vampire's favorite show in the history of television. Passions.

A/N: Okay, not as good as I usually do but hey, I'm trying a chapter thing. Feel free to review if you want but I can't guarantee updates really fast. I'll do my best, though!
