Rivers Casino Rat Pack
Dean Martin had just as many mafia ties as his more well-known mob-affiliated Rat Pack pal Frank Sinatra. Portions of Martin’s FBI file detail his early underworld connections as a gopher, blackjack dealer, dice man and aspiring boxer under the auspice of the mafia in Steubenville, Ohio in the 1930s. Michigan State Police records from. Rivers Casino & Resort Schenectady is currently closed due to COVID-19 Learn More + MAKE A RESERVATION. Rockin’ with the Rat Pack.
Eventbrite - The Milton Theatre presents Christmas with the Rat Pack - Sunday, December 29, 2019 at The Milton Theatre, Milton, DE. Find event and ticket information. Experience Frank, Dean, and Sammy - the Rat Pack - once again performing a wonderful mix of Christmas songs and comedy sketches! Phone (401) 723-3200. 100 Twin River Road Lincoln, RI 02865. The Rat Pack is a term used by the media to refer to an informal group of entertainers centered on the Las Vegas casino scene. Having its origins in a group of friends that met at the Los Angeles home of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, by the 1960s, it was the name used by the press and the general public to refer to a later variation of the group that called itself 'the Summit' or 'the.
Categories: Entertainment
“Christmas with the Rat Pack” is a time capsule of a show, set in the early 1960s at the Sands Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

Rivers Casino Rat Package
It features Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin (played, respectively, by Tam Ward, Jason Pennycook and Nigel Casey) singing not only some of their greatest hits of the day, but some Christmas standards, as well. It attempts to be as true to one of their shows as possible, with a big band in the background, a scantily-clad singing and dancing sister act for the men to sing with (and chase after) and all the witty banter the time period had to offer.
Rivers Casino Rat Packages
The performance itself was done very well, with the men embodying their given characters with gusto. None especially looked like the singers, but they did well with the songs — Ward especially had his Sinatra impersonation honed to perfection. Pennycook’s Sammy Davis Jr. was an excellent dancer and performer — his tap number (and quick turn on the drums) had the audience cheering in appreciation. The three men singing Sinatra’s signature “New York, New York” was a definite highlight, as their voices worked well together and the song always brings a smile to people’s faces.
If viewed as it’s meant — as nothing more than a night of sheer enjoyment — then perhaps the show is enjoyable. However, if viewed from a 21st century point of view, it’s sadly dated and somewhat offensive. Perhaps for older audience members, who grew up with this being the norm, it doesn’t bother them, but I can’t imagine too many younger audience members attending this performance and not leaving with a bitter taste in their mouth for the sexism (the treatment of the sister act on stage) or the dated “my mother-in-law is so terrible” jokes or the constant joking about alcoholism (I realize this was Dean Martin’s schtick, but making continual jokes about a performer so drunk he’s falling down and unable to remember his fellow performers’ names or his lyrics is no longer something joked about in polite society) or the dated racism and anti-Semitism.
Rivers Casino Rat Packs
Listening to audience members laugh about these things was curious; were they laughing at the jokes or the memory of a time when jokes like this were allowed?
The audience enjoying the show a great deal were, for the most part, of the age that they would have been able to see Martin, Sinatra and Davis perform, so perhaps this was an enjoyable look into the past for them. I couldn’t help but think it showed how far we’ve come as a society and that I would have enjoyed the show more had it been just the music and not a peek into a past I’m glad I wasn’t yet alive to see.